DUI 4 Plus services (track f)
Level II 4+ is an individualized treatment program lasting a minimum of 18 months and consisting of both individual and group therapy. This treatment may be mandated by the courts/supervising agency even if charges were dropped down from a felony to a misdemeanor.
To read more about the DUI 4+ requirements as outlined by the State of Colorado, click here.
Call us today to learn more about how to get started. We accept Medicaid and other forms of payment through referral sources. To learn more about costs for treatment, click here.
To get started, Boulder staff will complete a comprehensive intake with you before enrolling you in services. This is to help us know and better meet your individual needs. You can contact us by phone or email to enroll in DUI 4+ services. You will be asked to provide us with contact information for someone assigned to your case with the courts and/or probation so that we can help you meet your requirements with the DMV, probation, or any other agency requiring your participation in treatment.
Golden staff will complete a comprehensive intake with you before enrolling you in services. This is to help us know and better meet your individual needs. You can contact us by phone or email to enroll in DUI 4+ services. You will be asked to provide us with contact information for someone assigned to your case with the courts and/or probation so that we can help you meet your requirements with the DMV, probation, or any other agency requiring your participation in treatment.